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Clan Updates 4-04-15

Happy April, everyone!

We’re at the start of Spring and a little over a year since the clan was founded! Exciting, isn’t it? There are so many people still here from the beginning, and that honestly makes me so happy. The people who have stuck with us through the good, the bad, and the crazy. Also the newer people, thank you all for picking our silly little family, I really hope you guys come to love it here.

There are a tons of things in store for the month of April, both on Runescape and within the clan. How about them terrorbird mounts?! Best things ever, right? How about NXT coming out on the 18th? Now that’s exciting news! There’s plenty of reason to be excited this month, but the biggest thing from the clan is a new contest.

Balter’s Bite:

Dee, or Balter for those who only know her by her RSN, is hosting a contest for as long as she wants, every two weeks. So, I’m here to let you guys know and to break it down for you. Especially if you’re in need of a bond, just follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to the forums.

  2. Invite people to the clan.

  3. Post the person you invited on the forums, in a special thread that I’m making for the contest.

Simple, right? Well, it is a contest, so there will be plenty of people competing, but the first one to get 5 people invited into the clan and have it posted on the forums will be the winner. The contest will happen every two weeks, the first starting next Monday. (4/11)

There are so many things that you need to remember when you’re inviting people into the clan. Please remember to mention the citadel and capping. A lot of people either one, don’t know about capping, or two, need to be reminded about the citadel. Always let them know that we have a teamspeak and our forums, we need more people active on these places! So follow the core rules when inviting someone into the clan.

  1. Tell them about the citadel.

  2. Tell them about teamspeak.

  3. Tell them about the forum.

  4. Be sure they follow any rules that we may have.*

*Such as our clan chat rules. (No fighting, clean enough language (not asking you to be a saint, just don’t say racist, sexist, or homophobic things.), be as helpful as you can be, respect the admin+.)

Remember guys, Balter is doing this out of the goodness of her blackened heart, so please, please, please try and remember that this is a thing and that it’s going to be done biweekly and remember to thank her, because she’s putting in her actual money into this, just for you guys.

Clan Anniversary:

The clan was founded May 14th, 2015. Yep, folks. That means the 1 year anniversary is just around the corner. Isn’t that super exciting? I’m still thinking of things we could possibly do in the weeks coming to the big 1 year. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me, coil, or Balter know.

That about sums it up for this update. I hope everyone is having a good month so far, and I will see you in game.

Thanks for reading!

Eat the rude.


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